Wisdom Fears No Thing

Wisdom Fears No Thing

Jiddu Krishnamurti wrote “fear is one of the greatest problems in life. A mind that is caught in fear lives in confusion [and] conflict… we are all burdened with fears of some kind, and fear is a dreadful thing which warps, twists and dulls our days.” We are often shackled to our anxieties, to the fear of being perceived and labelled in a certain way, but freedom lies outside of this emotional reasoning, through knowing yourself, and standing on firm foundations tested by experience. It is a lot easier said than done, but Manly P Hall also reminds of how, “worry never prevents tomorrow from being what it will be, but it is very likely to make tomorrow even more difficult. Every negative or destructive attitude or emotion helps make fears come true because bad attitudes negate a person’s internal resource: judgment is poorer, and courage is diminished.”  This is true of how in “moments of stress, we become panicky. We lose the power to think things through, to reason them along their proper courses, and to improve and protect ourselves through this type of understanding.” Make of it what you will, but Rudolf Steiner once wrote about how he believed that hostile spirits feed off negative emotions such as anxiety, fear, despair, and doubt. The “exact feelings that belong to the contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world.” Without doubt, at this moment in time, a lot of hidden darkness is being brought out into the light. Just a little bit of digging reveals a world rife with double standards, of headlines full of blood and bile shape our worldview and take advantage of our desire to help, when in truth, the whole picture has not been revealed to us. Follow the money and you will see how choice is often a tangled web of illusion, for example just six corporations own 90% of the media in America. Fear is a great method of control as it distorts our ability to gain perspective, and so to think rationally and critically. In our upside-down world virtue is often a cover for vice, and projection in the political world is so rampant that many are pushed to hatred by an idea of someone, rather than the truth about that person. We are divided and out of balance, and because of this we risk forgetting the basic truths of life, and about the sacredness of life, but the truth must be revealed, the world can no longer go on as it is, and as Manly P Hall concludes, “Every instant in life is a challenge; every moment something new happens, and we must meet all this change from within ourselves.”

Quotes from Manly P Hall’s book ‘The Secret Teachings of all Ages.’

Merlin’s Cave

Merlin’s Cave

Source to Sea

Source to Sea